Year 2007 :: Master of Measurement

Do you know the value of pi ? It is approximately 3.14.......

Do you know the mass of earth ? It is approximately 5.9736 X (10^24) kg...

How long does it take before the moon revolves around the earth once ? Nearly 27.5 days...

From my childhood, a thought always used to haunt me. We see so many numbers around us. Some measuring a distance, some measuring a time, some measuring weight and some are just constants without any unit. But these numbers are never perfect - we have to always approximate them to a whole number because they are all fractions. And the approximate numbers are also not easy to remember. They are so difficult in look and feel. Why ? Why numbers cannot be more polite ? Why are they not in order ?

So, I developed an idea to resolve this. Like my other ideas, this may also look stupid. But I dare to dream :)


I strongly believe that the Universe has a rule of its own. We do not know who created the Universe, how it came into existence, where it will go or what it all means... But I am pretty sure that such an enormous size of matter cannot be in disorder... cannot even afford to have a slightest offset. Everything has to have a perfect dimension here. And hence, the apparently fractional measurement that we see for all the objects around us, is there just because we lack the perfect unit of measurement. There must be a unit of measurement which makes all the numbers a round figure. We just do not know that hidden unit. It may be that the time taken by light to cover the distance between 2 electrons revolving around each other under a magnetic field of certain strength - has to be considered as 1 unit of time (second). May be the mass of an unknown planet or an astronomical object has to be considered as the unit of mass (kilogram). And we may discover that all other measurements take a whole number when we use these units.

These are just examples. We do not know what those perfect units of measurements are. We are yet to discover them. But it is my faith that the Universe cannot be driven by such arbitrary fractional numbers. It definitely has a beautiful face. And it has to be simple too. It is just yet to be discovered !

Well... this idea is little more complex than what we have seen so far. It is not only the unit of measurement, but also the number system that needs to be redefined. We cannot achieve our desired result by means of the decimal number system that exists today. Let us see why:

We know that the mass of earth is 81.28 times that of the moon. If we assume that we know some magic unit of measurement and we actually measure the mass of the earth and the moon by that special unit instead of kg, we may have any one of them as a round figure. But we cannot have both as good numbers because one will still be 81.28 times the other. This is true only as long as we are using the decimal system of number. When we shift to the hexadecimal system, we get a different result, but still the numbers have fractions. Here again I believe that a number system definitely exists which will remove these fractional matters when we measure the objects with the new unit of measurement under the new number system.

So net-net, what do we prove ? Nothing at all. As I said, it is only an idea and not a real solution. This is only a thought which is good to provoke many more thoughts. Science may eventually discover this hidden system one day. We just don't know when and how. But I am a believer and I know that we will do it one day !

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